Thursday, January 21, 2010

Student Contract

One of the best teaching tips I was ever given as a young faculty member was the concept of a student contract.  The contract is signed by students at the start of every semester indicating they have read and understand the syllabus.  You have no idea how many student problems have been resolved at the first meeting when questions are raised by students at the end of the semester that "did not know" or "did not understand" one thing or another and the reason they deserve a second chance to improve their grade, etc.

Once the students sign the contract the TA then sign each one to verify the signature belongs to the student who signed it. This second signature is another way to handle students who claimed another student signed it so not bound by it -- which has happened.

In fact, I just now completed this activity in my sales and HR class.  The student contract for the HR contract is shown below.  I encourage all faculty reading this to do the same and you will find a tremendous reduction of end-of-semester "I did not know's!"


I have read the syllabus for HTM 31200, spring 2010. I completely understand the terms and conditions regarding the basic course information, course objectives, policies, grading procedures, and so forth. Therefore, I will comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the syllabus, including those that exist now and those that may be added, deleted, or modified later by Dr. La Lopa, my TA, or fellow classmates.

Name (please print):


TA’s Signature


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