Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Green Future is Now at Cracker Barrel

I read todayin Smart Briefs that Cracker Barrel "has launched a test of electric-vehicle chargers at 24 of its Tennessee stores, part of a larger effort by ECOtality Inc. to install charging stations across the country. The chain's restaurants are typically located close to highway exits, making them ideal for travelers looking to charge up and quickly get back on the highway."

In case anyone is wondering, the green future is now.  Sustainable business practices are no longer something businesses are planning to do, THEY ARE DOING IT NOW and one has to wonder what we are doing to support the industry in response?  Especially since the foodservice industry has suddenly stopped dragging its archaic feet and embraced sustainability since they have ahve learned that they can SAVE MONEY without compromising CUSTOMER SERVICE QUALITY.

What does this have to do with culinary education?  Everything!  For starters, are sustainable / green initiatives being led by those who adminstrate your program?  Is the department chair showing leadership in this area by walking the tallk and pushing the faculty to do the same?  Are faculty pushing from the grass roots to do right by our students and equip them for the green movement?  Are students demanding it?

Cuz guess what!  Foodservice businesses are demanding more of our students.  The kid who can cook a steak to the right temperature and plate it properly is going to lose out to the one who can do that and tell the manager how to buy local, reduce engergy costs in the operation, prepare to serve the growing green demands of customers, and more.

To that end, the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management will be launching a report card on sustainability initiatives for culinary arts programs after the first of the year so we will know where we are on the road to being green and preparing graduates to benefit employers in a likewise manner.  When it hits your mailbox please take the time to fill it out so that we can all work together to better prepare our students and move the industry forward.  In other words, simply teacing "farm to fork" is not going to get it done -- there is so much more to it than that and we need to act now.  We have a golden opportunity to  get ahead of the industry and show them the way to a sustanable future instead of the other way around, as is the case with Cracker Barrel and countless others.

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